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Let’s deploy Concourse, a continuous-integration, continuous delivery (CI/CD) application (similar to Jenkins and CircleCI).

We’ll deploy it to Google Cloud, to our Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

In this post, we’ll use HashiCorp’s Terraform to create our cluster.

We assume you’ve already installed the terraform command-line interface (CLI) and created a Google Cloud account.

mkdir -p ~/workspace/gke
cd ~/workspace/gke

Next we download the terraform templates and terraform vars file:

curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cunnie/deployments/6b230118399f4326094b4d60e21cda32e8c6f321/terraform/gcp/gke/gke.tf
curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cunnie/deployments/6b230118399f4326094b4d60e21cda32e8c6f321/terraform/gcp/gke/vpc.tf
curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cunnie/deployments/6b230118399f4326094b4d60e21cda32e8c6f321/terraform/gcp/gke/terraform.tfvars
curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cunnie/deployments/6b230118399f4326094b4d60e21cda32e8c6f321/terraform/gcp/gke/outputs.tf

At this point we hear cries of protest, “What?! Downloading dubious files from sketchy software developers on the internet? Files whose provenance is murky at best?”

Let us reassure you: the provenance of these files is crystal-clear: they have been patterned after templates from HashiCorp’s excellent tutorial, Provision a GKE Cluster (Google Cloud), and the companion git repo, https://github.com/hashicorp/learn-terraform-provision-gke-cluster. [provenance]

Let’s login with gcloud:

gcloud auth application-default login

(if you get a command not found error, then it means you need to install Google Cloud’s CLI; the HashiCorp tutorial has great instructions.)

Let’s customize our terraform.tfvars file. At the very least, change the project_id to your Google Cloud’s project’s ID. If you’re not sure what that is, you can find it on the Google console:

Project ID on Google Cloud Console

Let’s use neovim (or your editor of choice):

nvim terraform.tfvars

Let’s change the Project ID to “my-google-project-id” (assuming that’s your Google Project’s name, which it isn’t):

-project_id = "blabbertabber"
-friendly_project_id = "nono"
+project_id = "my-google-project-id"
+friendly_project_id = "my-google-project-id"

We’re ready to terraform!

terraform init
terraform apply
  # answer "yes" when asked, "Do you want to perform these actions?"

The terraform apply takes ~10 minutes to complete. Now let’s get our cluster credentials:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials $(terraform output -raw kubernetes_cluster_name) --zone $(terraform output -raw zone)

We have a cluster at this point—let’s test by deploying nginx:

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
kubectl get pods

You should see the following output:

nginx   1/1     Running   0          2m21s

Save that terraform.tfstate file!

Save the terraform.tfstate file; if you lose it, it becomes much more difficult to make changes to your terraform infrastructure (you’ll have to manually tear it down & start from scratch).

We won’t tell you how or where to save it, but we will tell you that we’ve chosen to save ours in a public GitHub repo. This is a bad idea! terraform.tfstate files often contain secrets which you do not want to make public. Ours doesn’t appear to contain any secrets, and we like to have it publicly viewable for instructional purposes, but we may have made a terrible mistake by publishing it.

Stay Tuned!

Stay tuned for the next installment, where we configure load balancers and install Concourse CI.



2022-03-12 Added a reference to installing the Terraform CLI.

2022-01-02 Pointed out that the modifications to the terraform configuration enable the creation of a Zonal cluster, which qualifies for the GKE free tier.

2021-09-30 Added an additional reference for those interested in deploying to AWS.

2021-09-16 Added two additional references for more complete/more automated ways to spin up Concourse on GKE.



This begs the question, “If we’re patterning our templates after HashiCorp’s, why not use HashiCorp’s directly? Why change the templates?”

Our templates are $74.40 per month cheaper than Hashicorp’s. Specifically, our templates create a Zonal cluster; Hashicorp’s create a Regional cluster. A Zonal cluster qualifies for the GKE free tier:

The GKE free tier provides $74.40 in monthly credits per billing account that are applied to zonal and Autopilot clusters. If you only use a single Zonal or Autopilot cluster, this credit will at least cover the complete cost of that cluster each month

But if that’s not a good reason for you, then by all means use Hashicorp’s templates—they’re great templates!

We’ve made other tweaks to the templates as well, for example, we split the templates into a virtual private cloud (VPC) (vpc.tf) template and a Google Kubernetes Engine (gke) (gke.tf) template. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Also, we didn’t want to spend a lot of money, so instead of three instances in the region, we modified the template to place two instances in the same availability zone (creating a Zonal cluster).

[e2-medium instances cost $24.46 / month in the region us-central1. We didn’t want to spend the extra $25 for a third instance.]

Finally, we didn’t like the name of our Google Cloud project (“blabbertabber”): it was too long & referred to a project we had mothballed months ago. We wanted a shorter and friendlier name (“nono”), and we were loath to create a brand new Google Cloud project, so we modified the templates to include a “friendly” project name.