Maintaining BOSH Directors with Concourse CI and bosh-deployment
“BOSH deploys Concourse, and Concourse deploys BOSH” —Cloud Foundry koan A BOSH Director is a VM (virtual machine) orchestrator which is itself a VM. BOSH solves the problem of keeping its VMs’ applications (operating systems (stemcells) and releases) up-to-date with the command, bosh deploy; however, this begs the question, “what keeps the BOSH Director itself up-to-date?”. [Quis custodiet?] We explore using Concourse, a Continuous Integration (CI) server, and bosh-deployment [Updating BOSH], in order to create a Concourse pipeline which updates, in turn, a BOSH director on AWS (Amazon Web Services), on Microsoft Azure, and GCP (Google Cloud Platform)....