The Cloud Foundry Acceptance Tests are the gold standard to test the proper functioning of your Cloud Foundry deployment. This guide tells you how to run them. When in doubt, refer to the README.
Quick Start
cd ~/workspace/
git clone git@github.com:cloudfoundry/cf-acceptance-tests.git
cd cf-acceptance-tests
. ./.envrc
cp example-cats-config.json cats-config.json
export CONFIG=cats-config.json
cf api api.cf.nono.io # or whatever your Cloud Foundry's API endpoint is
cf login -u admin
cf create-space -o system system # don't worry if it's already created
cf t -o system -s system
cf enable-feature-flag diego_docker # necessary if you're running the Docker tests (`"include_docker": true`)
cf enable-feature-flag service_instance_sharing # necessary if you're running the sharing tests (`"include_service_instance_sharing": true`)
If you don’t have the Cloud Foundry CLI (command line interface), follow the installation instructions. Install the latest version (v8).
Let’s configure our cats-config.json
. You should know the values for all the
replacements except credhub_secret
; we’ll explain how to get that next:
- "api": "api.DOMAIN.com",
- "apps_domain": "DOMAIN.com",
+ "api": "api.cf.nono.io",
+ "apps_domain": "foundry.fun",
"admin_user": "admin",
- "admin_password": "PASSWORD",
+ "admin_password": "MySecretAdminPassword",
"credhub_mode": "assisted",
- "credhub_client": "CREDHUB_CLIENT",
- "credhub_secret": "CREDHUB_SECRET",
+ "credhub_client": "credhub_admin_client",
+ "credhub_secret": "XDBlXvmH7aN3IG2czVfzvitu5dTHIj",
"artifacts_directory": "logs",
"skip_ssl_validation": true,
"timeout_scale": 1,
By default you’re running the CredHub tests, so you need credhub_secret
, but
getting it is a multi-step affair. First, get the credentials to communicate
with the BOSH Director’s CredHub:
bosh int --path /instance_groups/name=bosh/jobs/name=uaa/properties/uaa/scim/users/name=credhub_cli_user bosh-vsphere.yml
[where bosh-vsphere.yml
is your BOSH Director’s manifest]
The output should look something like the following:
- credhub.read
- credhub.write
name: credhub_cli_user
password: SomeKrazyPassword
Now that we have the password (“SomeKrazyPassword”), let’s authenticate to the BOSH Director’s CredHub using the CredHub CLI:
credhub api bosh-vsphere.nono.io:8844 --skip-tls-validation # assuming your BOSH Director's hostname is "bosh-vsphere.nono.io"
credhub login --username=credhub_cli_user --password=SomeKrazyPassword
credhub find -n / # we don't need this, but it gives us a complete list of creds
credhub get -n /bosh-vsphere/cf/credhub_admin_client_secret # your path might be different, e.g. "/bosh/TAS/credhub_admin_client_secret"
id: 1b238b69-72ac-4a73-a124-b67da71da572
name: /bosh-vsphere/cf/credhub_admin_client_secret
type: password
value: XDBlXvmH7aN3IG2czVfzvitu5dTHIj
version_created_at: "2021-11-18T23:25:53Z"
Aha! Now in our cats-config.json
, set "credhub_secret": "XDBlXvmH7aN3IG2czVfzvitu5dTHIj"
But we’re still not done: we need to create a security group that allows the apps to communicate with Cloud Foundry’s CredHub (separate & distinct from the BOSH Director’s CredHub) (yes, it’s confusing).
cf create-security-group credhub <(echo '[{"protocol":"tcp","destination":"","ports":"8443,8844","description":"credhub"}]')
cf bind-running-security-group credhub
cf bind-staging-security-group credhub
Now let’s run our tests!
bin/test -nodes=6
Troubleshooting Docker Failures
[Fail] [docker] Docker Application Lifecycle running a docker app with a start command [BeforeEach] retains its start command through starts and stops
[Fail] [docker] Docker Application Lifecycle running a docker app without a start command [BeforeEach] handles docker-defined metadata and environment variables correctly
[Fail] [docker] Docker Application Lifecycle running a docker app without a start command [BeforeEach] when env vars are set with 'cf set-env' prefers the env vars from cf set-env over those in the Dockerfile
Means you’ve forgotten to cf enable-feature-flag diego_docker
Troubleshoot Service Binding Failures (CredHub)
[Fail] [credhub] service bindings during staging [BeforeEach] [assisted credhub] has CredHub references in VCAP_SERVICES interpolated
[Fail] [credhub] service bindings during staging [BeforeEach] [non-assisted credhub] still contains CredHub references in VCAP_SERVICES
[Fail] [credhub] service bindings during runtime service bindings to credhub enabled broker [assisted credhub] [BeforeEach] the broker returns credhub-ref in the credentials block
[Fail] [credhub] service bindings during runtime service bindings to credhub enabled broker [assisted credhub] [BeforeEach] the bound app gets CredHub refs in VCAP_SERVICES interpolated
Means you’ve either set the wrong credhub_secret
in cats-config.json
or you forgot to create & bind the credhub
security group.
Corrections & Updates
Added instructions to download the CF CLI. Also included instructions to enable service instance sharing.