vCenter 7 Quickstart

On your vCenter, navigate to Menu → Administration → Certificates → Certificate Management

On the __MACHINE_CERT tile, click Actions, select Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

Enter the appropriate info; for inspiration, this is what we entered:

  • Common name:
  • Organization:
  • Organizational Unit: homelab
  • Country: United States
  • State/Province: California
  • Locality: San Francisco
  • Email Address:
  • Host:
  • Subject Alternative Name (Optional):,2601:646💯69f0:250:56ff:fe84:2e4a
  • Key Size: 2048

Click NextDownload. Save to a file. Click Finish.

Acquire a certificate for your host from a Commercial CA. In our example, we acquired a certificate for our host from, and we purchased their least-expensive offering, the PositiveSSL 1 domain Comodo SSL.

[We do not endorse either or Sectigo (formerly Comodo); We encourage you to use the reseller and the Certificate Authority (CA) with which you are most comfortable].

We have 3 files:

  1. Our certificate file. This is a single (not a chain) certificate for our server,

  2. Our chained certificates. (CA Bundle) This chain should not include the server certificate. It should include the root certificate, which should be at the bottom of the chain.

    We manually appended the root certificate to the chained certificate file received from Sectigo.

  3. Our root certificate. This must have a .crt extension. [hand-wavy]

Navigate to Menu → Administration → Certificates → Certificate Management

Select Trusted Root Certificates → Add

  • Click Browse
  • Browse to your root certificate file and click Add
  • If you get an error, Error occurred while adding trusted root certificates: Trusted root already exists, don’t worry, vCenter already has your root certificate.

Select __MACHINE_CERT → Actions → Import and Replace Certificate

  • Choose Replace with certificate generated from vCenter server; Click Next
  • Fill in as follows:
    • Machine SSL Certificate: paste your certificate file here (in our case, the certificate for
    • Chain of trusted root certificates: paste your chained certificates here.
  • Click Replace. If you see an error message, “Error occurred while fetching tls: Exception found (the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty)”, then you haven’t added root certificate properly, or it’s not appended at the end of your chained certificate, or (we suspect but aren’t sure that this is a requirement) what you think is a self-signed root certificate is really a cross-signed root certificate.

0. Abstract

We want a green padlock on our VCSA’s web client; when we use our browser to navigate to our VCSA, we’d like it too look like the following:

This blog posts describes the steps to follow in order to install a TLS certificate on a VCSA 6.7.

Author’s note: we use our VCSA’s fully qualified domain name (FQDN) “” throughout this document, with the understanding that you should substitute your VCSA’s FQDN accordingly.

Note that this blog post is narrowly scoped: we are only replacing one of the many certificates that the VCSA’s services use, we are only replacing the certificate that the human operator sees. Large enterprises may be more interested in replacing all the certificates, in which case they should refer to this VMware Knowledge Base article.

1. Pre-requisites

Before we begin, we need a TLS key, a chained certificate, and a root certificate. Also, we need to enable ssh access to our VCSA, for when certificates go horribly wrong the web interface may be unusable, and the only mechanism to recover (other than reinstalling) is to ssh onto the VCSA and reset the certificates.

1.0 Enable OpenSSH

Enable ssh by browsing to the Appliance Management User Interface (Appliance MUI, formerly known as VAMI),, and navigating to Access → Access Settings → Edit → Edit Access Settings → Enable SSH Login → toggle enabled → OK.

1.1 Acquire Certificate from a Commercial CA

We won’t discuss how to acquire a certificate, but we will point out that Heroku has a fairly succinct (and vendor-agnostic) description of the process.

Note: VCSA, like Heroku, doesn’t support elliptic curve keys and only supports RSA keys (even though, in our estimation, elliptic curves are better if for no other reason than they are so much more terse than RSA keys). This means that if you use a modern tool such as cfssl, you’ll need to override its defaults to force it to generate RSA keys (e.g. cfssl print-defaults csr | jq -r '.key = {"algo":"rsa","size":2048}').

After the process is complete, we should have three files:

2. Install the Certificate

2.0 Install the Certificate via Web Interface

  • Browse to the VCSA’s web client
  • Select “Launch vSphere Client (HTML5)” (we use the HTML interface; Flash™ is too much for us)
  • Log in
  • Menu → Administration
  • Certificates → Certificate Management
  • Manage Certificates of vCenter
  • Click “Log in and manage certificates”
  • Trusted Root Certificates
    • Click Add
    • Certificate Chain → Browse (browse to your root certificate & upload). Click Add.
  • Page should now show two Trusted Root Certificates
  • Find “__MACHINE_CERT”
  • Actions → Replace
    • Certificate Chain → Browse (browse to your certificate & upload)
    • Private Key → Browse (browse to your certificate & upload)
  • Click Replace, success should resemble image below

Reboot the vCenter for the new certificates to take effect: Browse to the VCSA Management Interface (VAMI),, and navigate to Actions → Reboot → Reboot the system? → Yes.

2.1 Install the Certificate via CLI

For those who would prefer to bypass the GUI and install the certificate via the CLI, we offer this alternative. First, ssh into our VCSA and start a shell:


    * List APIs: "help api list"
    * List Plugins: "help pi list"
    * Launch BASH: "shell"

Command> shell

Next we copy our certificates and keys from our workstation,

scp{,,addtrustexternalcaroot.crt} .

Launch the certificate manager and install the keys and certificates:

  1. Replace Machine SSL certificate with Custom Certificate
    2. Import custom certificate(s) and key(s) to replace existing Machine SSL certificate
      Please provide valid custom certificate for Machine SSL.
      Please provide valid custom key for Machine SSL.
      Please provide the signing certificate of the Machine SSL certificate. addtrustexternalcaroot.crt

Unlike the GUI, which returns immediately, the CLI spends several minutes replacing certificates. When it has finished, reboot:

shutdown -r now

2.2 Check: Refresh Your Browsers

Browse to the VCSA web client and confirm the certificate is installed (green padlock). You may need to refresh the page. As a bonus, the Appliance MUI (VAMI) has the new certificate, too!

3. Gotchas

If you don’t upload the root certificate but update the certificate & key, after rebooting you will see the following in a red banner at the top:

503 Service Unavailable (Failed to connect to endpoint: [N7Vmacore4Http20NamedPipeServiceSpecE:0x00007f843400bef0] _serverNamespace = / action = Allow _pipeName =/var/run/vmware/vpxd-webserver-pipe)

If you browse to port 5480 and see an odd “0 -” it means you need to refresh your browser (on macOS, ⌘-R). It may also mean that your vCenter is still booting and that you should wait a few more minutes.

If you use an elliptic curve key, you will not be able to upload your key & certificate; you’ll see an error similar to the following:

If things go really bad, you won’t get a login screen; instead, you’ll see:

[400] An error occurred while sending an authentication request to the vCenter Single Sign-On server - An error occurred when processing the metadata during vCenter Single Sign-On setup - PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target.

You’ll need to reset your certificates; see the next section.

3.0 Resetting the Certificates when things go wrong

If the web client is unusable, you’ll need to ssh in and use certificate-manager to reset the certificates. We’ve tested this procedure on vCenter 6.7 & 7.0.


Choose option 8, “Reset all Certificates”. Watch the screen scroll by as it replaces the certificates, then reboot (shutdown -r now).




We’re not publishing our private key, but not for the reasons you think. You probably think it’s about security, about preventing man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. It’s not. Our server is behind a firewall and can only be accessed from our internal network. If you were in a position to execute an MITM attack, it would mean that our network was grossly compromised, and the jig would be up (an MITM attack would be the least of our concerns).

No, security is not the reason. Revocation is the reason. The last time that we published a private key, our certificate was revoked in a rather spectacular manner, and the CA refused to issue us another one unless we promised not to publish it. We agreed, and we hew to our agreement, for we are men of our word.


This is the most hand-wavy part of the blog post, obtaining the root certificate. On one hand, root certificates are everywhere — every one of the billions of browsers has a copy of the approximately 160 root certificates.

On the other hand, you may have to do some digging. Whichever CA you choose should publish their root certificate. Sectigo, for example, publishes their root certificate here.

If that’s a dead-end, you may want to check Mozilla’s list of root certificates.

We had an interesting experience where one version of the Sectigo root certificate whose canonical name (CN) was “USERTrust RSA Certification Authority”, worked, but the intermediate certificate included in the chain, whose canonical name was also “USERTrust RSA Certification Authority”, and which we mistakenly took for a root certificate, did not work.

To determine if the certificate you have is a root certificate, confirm the subject is the same as the issuer. In the following example, we use two common TLS command line tools (cfssl and openssl) to examine the Sectigo root certificate addtrustexternalcaroot.crt and ensure the issuer is the same as the subject:

First we use cfssl, whose output is JSON, which we pipe to jq to extract the Common Name of the issuer and subject:

cfssl certinfo -cert addtrustexternalcaroot.crt |
  jq -r '[ .issuer.common_name, .subject.common_name ]'


  "AddTrust External CA Root",
  "AddTrust External CA Root"

With openssl we can use a simple egrep to extract the information we need.

openssl x509 -in addtrustexternalcaroot.crt -noout -text |
  egrep "Issuer:|Subject:"


Issuer: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, CN=AddTrust External CA Root
Subject: C=SE, O=AddTrust AB, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, CN=AddTrust External CA Root

Now, when faced with the above output, a reasonable might ask, “why on earth is Comodo using Addtrust’s root certificate? Why don’t they use their own certificate?” One can only speculate.

Corrections & Updates


Re-wrote instructions to have vCenter generate the CSR. It appears to work better, specifically with regard to the update manager (though I can’t find the links to bolster that assertion).


Updated to include newly-issued TLS certificates to replace the ones that had been revoked, but this time we did not publish the private key (the cause of the revocation).

We deprecate Comodo in favor of Sectigo, the new name.


We include a Quickstart section for vCenter 7.